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FUTURE OF WORK: Recreating the Work & Workplace

"Progression and Development are not possible without change, and those who would not change their minds could not change anything." It is fair to say that year 2020 has disrupted many established patterns and compelled the business world to think differently about the nature of work and the workplace. The concept of remote working, which...

Future of work – Recreating work and workplace

In today's world, the ways and methods of work have changed hugely. Work is becoming more unpredictable, group-based, and independent of topography or constraints of physical distance. Today, work requires a more innovative outlook and social skills. Organizations too are choosing approaches to assist their representatives in meeting their obligations viably. All progressions in...

Future of Work and Workplace

Work is something that individuals do to earn a living and fulfill ambitions and life goals. Both work and the work environment assume a significant part in an individual’s life. In the event when the work is likable but the work environment is awkward, the individual would most likely leave that work. More opportunities...

Relevance of Teachers’ Training

Frontiers of knowledge are vast, infinite and endless. They are somewhat like the horizon which appears close, but as you move towards it, it leaps several miles ahead of you. You keep repeating this process and the real horizon (It does not exist and is only an optical illusion) will continue to elude you....

Teacher and new-age teaching

The year 2020 is proving to be a watershed, an inflexion point in the lives of the entire mankind in all areas of human endeavour and activities. Suddenly an invisible tiny monster appears from nowhere and brings the entire humanity to its knees. Everything stops and everyone is pushed indoors, and waits for some...

Redefine Education

One of the most profound statements that we hear especially from the Educationists the world over, refers to "Education" as the most powerful means of empowerment. In simple words, it should mean that an individual after getting educated, is in a position to lead a meaningful and a productive life, and is fully equipped...

Parenting – Today

These are very unusual times. Something of this kind had not happened in the living memories of the last 2-3 generations. Situations both outside the homes and inside, are vastly different from the usual. Strangely, nothing much is happening outside. Roads are nearly empty, all public places that in ordinary course attracted thousands of...

Home Sweet Home

Suddenly, the space for our movement has been restricted to a few square meters within the confines of four walls, we call our home. Ordinarily, we would not resent our inability, or lack of desire to move out of our home, but this is different. Fear of the law (to a lesser degree), and...

Fear Today

Any phenomenon or a disease that assumes pandemic proportions generates huge levels of fear affecting every resident of our planet. Ironically, its microscopic dimensions, invisibility and parasitical character makes it extremely dangerous. It draws its destructive power from the host it infects, multiplies, and in a short period of time damages several of the...