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Benefits of International Exposure to Students by Yusuf Mehdi

Exposure –the condition of being presented to view or made known. This is how dictionaries explain the word ‘Exposure’. Exposure makes people aware of the practical aspects of the world and broadens the horizon of wisdom. The theoretical information that students receive in the classrooms become relevant only when that information can be used practically in...

An overview of Bitcoin by Dr. Santosh Kumar

Now a days, we are hearing about bitcoin, a virtual currency introduced in 2009. Currently there are more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies available for trading, with Bitcoin dominating the market. Bitcoins are not issued, or regulated by any central bank, so there are huge changes in the prices of bitcoin. The cost of this currency...

Women’s Day: One Day Acknowledgment by Dr. Radha Yadav

Children’s day, Father’s day, mothers’ day and many more days related to the society. These are the special days when we recognise the particular clan related to the event. Then we wish Happy Women’s Day:-Why? Should women be happy for getting a low salary than men? Should women be happy for the Glass Ceiling? Should women be...

Greatness Comes through Toiling by Yusuf Mehdi

There is an African Proverb that says, “Great people are not born great; they become great when others are sleeping”. The saying is old but it holds true even today. When we listen to the success stories of great people, we sometimes ponder as to how did they become so great and how did they achieve...

Lessons from bank frauds by Dr Anindita Sharma

The scenario which is going on in India about Banks is really disheartening. All the scams of bank are making us feel that we are left with no money. The level of fraud that the people of India are facing is really consuming. The quantum of fraud that one individual has done with the...

Tips to Improve English Language by Yusuf Mehdi

Is English killing your career opportunities? Here are a few tips to improve English quickly. Learning or improving English language does not only mean sitting in classrooms, rote learning grammar rules and translating text of one language into English. There’s more to learning English language quickly. There have been various approaches adopted by teachers and learners...

10 Essential Skills to Get a Job in Digital Marketing by Dr. Nitin Kr Saxena

The digital marketing industry is flourishing, and digital marketing is becoming an unavoidable necessity for any organization or startup nowadays. Digital marketing positions span the gamut, ranging from web analytics, social media marketing, search engine optimization and content marketing. There’s a blast in terms of the number of people joining various digital media such...